The fact is that the best personal statement number of words is that it is not too much short and not too much longer. For example, when you are applying for UCAS, you need to know the length of writing the essay. Keep in mind that it is your chance to show your qualities, skills, and expertise and you can do this with the right personal statement word count. Also, there is not the best number of words in writing the essay but what the best is that you can able to submit a wonderful paper that will be remembered. To check is your statement has good length and well-written you may ask somebody to review my personal statement. Whatever word count you choose, it must contain great content.
UCAS Word Count Personal Statement
For UCAS personal statement length is about 4,000 characters. In here, you need to tell why you choose the program and explain what that program can give to you. It will help your application when you explain your skills and attributes.
Admissions Process: Personal Statement Words
Knowing the maximum words for personal statement is essential because a super short or long essay is not nice to read. With that in mind, you need to conceptualize as well as think of words in writing your statement. You need to be sure that you will be careful in choosing the sentences and words you will include.
In your personal statement, you can mention about your experience and anything that is related to the program. You can write about your experience in joining a youth club or summer camp. You can write any of your relevant skills and abilities in impressing the committee. Always remember that you should not tell a lot of information. What you need to do is to present what the committee should know that couldn’t be found in other requirements. Tell one or two experiences and ways they are related to the program. Any events you attended and how you can relate it to your chosen career.

Character to Word
Now here is the character of word counting the specifications below:
Font size: 13
Character: Times New Roman
Margins: 1” margin all round
Aligning: Justify
2328 | 2814 | 500 |
4715 | 5691 | 1000 |
7055 | 8521 | 1500 |
9468 | 11422 | 2000 |
11869 | 14310 | 2500 |
14225 | 17155 | 3000 |
18946 | 22855 | 4000 |
23682 | 28568 | 5000 |
35523 | 42855 | 7500 |
47411 | 57185 | 10000 |
94822 | 114431 | 20000 |
118578 | 143015 | 25000 |
142343 | 171667 | 30000 |
189758 | 228855 | 40000 |
237218 | 286092 | 50000 |
284727 | 343374 | 60000 |
332087 | 400508 | 70000 |
355841 | 429150 | 75000 |
379566 | 457764 | 80000 |
427060 | 515032 | 90000 |
474432 | 572178 | 100000 |
What Is the Length of Personal Length?
The best and perfect personal statement length is 500-word counts. It is not too short and long and it gives you enough spaces to say what you want. In that word count, grab the opportunity to give the good story that is different from others. If you exceed the word limit, try to redraft or edit it again until you are sure that it is the right length for your paper.
Wonder how to write a personal statement for study abroad? Check out this link!
If you think that the 500-word count is somewhat long, then make it to 300-word count. What important is that you able to tell what the committee should know about you. As much as possible, read and edit your paper so that you will not waste white spaces. Get rid of those unessential sentences and words.
There you have the tips and information you need to know about having the best word essay limit. If you want to be accepted, abide or comply with the most common length in writing the essay.